Class Cancellations
You may cancel for a full refund or reschedule up to 24 hours prior to your scheduled ‘drop-in’ class.
Course & Workshop Cancellations
30 days or more before a course or workshop
You may cancel any booking up to 30 days before its start date and receive a full refund minus a cancellation fee of £15.
Less than 30 days before a course or workshop
For cancellations within 30 days of the start date, no refund will be offered unless there is a waiting list for the course (or workshop) and your booking can be transferred to another attendee. In the case of a booking being transferred, a full refund will be offered minus a cancellation fee of £15.
Private Classes
I ask for 24 hours notice if you wish to cancel a private class. I will re-schedule at no extra cost if you give me 24 hours notice. If I am given less than 24 hours notice then I kindly ask for payment to still be made. If it has already been paid, I will not provide a refund.
Exceptional Circumstances
I reserve the right to cancel a course or workshop in the event of exceptional circumstances that mean I am unable to offer the course or workshop as advertised, or if there are insufficient numbers booked into the course or workshop for it to be commercially viable. In this case, a full refund will be offered.
Janine practices a balancing yoga pose